
December is National Impaired Driving Prevention Month

Every year since 1981, December has been designated as National Impaired Driving Prevention Month. It isn’t hard to see why – between Thanksgiving and New Years, there are plenty of reasons to celebrate. Family parties, office parties, concerts, and family get-togethers crowd the calendar, and it’s likely that alcohol will be served. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were 10,874 fatal car accidents in 2017 that involved alcohol. In December of 2017, 8.1 percent of all total accident fatalities involved alcohol.

We here at Slappey & Sadd drive the same roads you do, and so we want to share some tips to get you home safely.

Drive Smart to Avoid Drunk Drivers

Drunk drivers are worrisome because they could be anywhere, and victims don’t know they are drunk until it’s too late. However, the good news is that you can minimize your chances of encountering a drunk driver with some forethought and careful planning.

  1. Stay off the road on “peak” holidays. Holidays such as New Year’s Eve are when people are most likely to drink way too much before getting behind the wheel of a car. These are also the days when there will be the highest volume of drunk drivers on the road.
  2. Get off the road before dark. According to the NHTSA, the number of drunk driving accidents was more than three times higher at night than during daylight hours.
  3. Leave before closing time. If you can’t get home before dark, at least try to be off the road before the bars close. This is when the highest number of impaired drivers will be on the road.
  4. Pay close attention to the road and other motorists. Don’t get distracted by your phone, your passengers, or the radio. Give your full attention to the road and pay especially close attention to the other cars on the road.
  5. Keep a safe distance from other cars. This is good advice in general, but you want to give yourself extra time to react in the event that you encounter another motorist who is driving under the influence.
  6. Use extra caution when entering intersections. Generally speaking, most car accidents occur in intersections and drunk driving accidents are no different. Take extra time to make sure someone isn’t going to run the red light or make an illegal turn.
  7. Safe, well-lit roads with good visibility are your best options for getting home safely. The winding road with beautiful scenery may be a more enjoyable drive, but the four-lane divided highway gives you a better chance of avoiding an accident.  

Accidents with Drunk Drivers are Sometimes Unavoidable

Despite our best efforts, you can still find yourself injured in an accident that was caused by someone who was driving while under the influence. Drunk driving accidents can have catastrophic consequences, and those people should be held responsible for their negligent behavior.

Contact an Atlanta Georgia Drunk Driving Accident Attorney

If you’ve been injured in a drunk driving accident, the attorneys at Slappey & Sadd can help. We work with our clients every step of the way until you get the compensation you deserve. Don’t let this accident ruin your future. To schedule a free consultation with one of our lawyers, call us at 888-474-9616 or contact us online.


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