
Autumn Injury Risks

With summer nearly behind us, many people in the Atlanta area are looking forward to cooler temperatures, changing leaves, and some Falcons Football. While there is much to celebrate about fall, it’s important to remember that changing seasons also bring changing injury risks. Below we discuss some of these risks and what to do in the event that you are injured. For more information or to discuss a specific case, call us today to speak with an Atlanta personal injury lawyer.

Back to School Accidents

As children and many young adults head back to school, it can expose everyone to new injury risks. For example, traffic is often heavier when school is in sessions, and new traffic patterns can increase the chances of a serious motor vehicle accident. In addition, students who bike or walk to school expose themselves to the risk of involvement in a bicycle or pedestrian accident. Finally, there is a wide variety of accidents that can happen at school, including slip and fall accidents, recreational or sports accidents, playground accidents, and incidents involving negligent supervision.

Weather-Related Motor Vehicle Accidents

Changing seasons means changing weather, and fall weather events can wreak havoc on roads. This is particularly true on rainy or foggy fall mornings. In addition, as the sun sets earlier in the day, glare can become a significant issue for people heading home from work in the early evening.

Drivers should also be aware of the risk posed by an accumulation of wet leaves on the ground. Most people typically think of snow, ice, or rain as weather events that can make roads slippery, but wet leaves can reduce your vehicle’s traction and cause you to lose control.  

Protecting Your Rights after an Accident

There are certain steps you should be sure to take after involvement in an injury-causing accident. Some of the most important of these include:

  • Gather information about your accident. Take pictures of your injuries and any property damage that occurred. If there were any witnesses, ask them for contact information in case you need to contact them later. In the event that your accident occurred on commercial property, make sure that you request an incident report.
  • DO NOT accept a settlement offer before you have had a chance to speak with an attorney. You only get one opportunity to settle your case, and accepting an offer prior to talking to a lawyer puts you at risk of taking a settlement far below the actual value of your case.
  • Call an attorney as soon as you can. Once you have retained a lawyer, you can rest assured that your rights will be protected along every step of the way.

Call Us Today to Schedule a Free Case Evaluation with a Georgia Injury Attorney

If you or someone you love has been hurt in a preventable accident, you should speak with an attorney as soon as you can. At Slappey & Sadd, we are committed to helping injured victims obtain the compensation to which they are entitled. Call us at 888.474.9616 or contact us online to schedule your consultation today.


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