
The Car Insurance Company’s Settlement Offer: Is it Fair?

If another driver’s negligence leaves you injured, you look to the insurance company involved to compensate you for your damages. The trauma and stress associated with car accidents don’t put you in the best position to ascertain whether the settlement offer is fair or not, and the insurance company may be banking on that. If you’ve been injured in a car accident that was caused by someone else, don’t accept the insurance company’s settlement offer until you’ve consulted with an experienced Atlanta personal injury attorney.

Your Damages

If a car accident leaves you injured, you may think that your damages amount to your medical expenses – and that that is the end of that. The fact is, however, that the damages you’ve sustained may be far more extensive, including:

  • Property damage to your vehicle
  • Medical expenses that range from emergency care and transportation to surgery, aftercare, and ongoing treatment
  • Lost income
  • Pain and suffering

Importantly, and settlement you accept should compensate you for your current and future losses. For this reason, in many cases, accident victims will need to consult with experts who can help prove future medical bills and lost income.

The Insurance Company

As drivers, we carry car insurance for just such occasions. Accidents happen, and when they do, we look to insurance policies to cover our damages. The fact is, however, that insurance companies are in the business of generating massive revenues, and many aren’t above cutting corners that include denying claims outright, minimizing settlement offers, and delaying the payment process. For example, if you’ve been injured in a car accident, you are no doubt facing mounting medical bills and may not know when you’ll be returning to work. In other words, you’re vulnerable, and the insurance company is not unaware of your predicament. If the insurance company sweeps in with a speedy settlement offer, there’s probably a reason for it – and that reason is unlikely to be based on your best interests.

The Rest of the Story

Even if the insurance company that’s handling your claim provides you with multiple fancy reasons why your settlement is lower than you’d expect or why certain elements aren’t covered, that is rarely the end of the story. The simple truth is that the insurance company may be betting on you not fighting the issue. Your rights and your recovery, however, are far too important to blindly accept whatever the insurance company offers. Consulting with an experienced personal injury attorney will help ensure that your best interests are well protected into the future.

Consult with a Dedicated Atlanta Personal Injury Attorney before Accepting the Insurance Company’s Settlement Offer

If you’ve been injured by another driver’s negligence, you have more than enough to deal with and shouldn’t have to decipher the intentions of the insurance company involved. Look no further than the dedicated personal injury attorneys at Slappey & Sadd. Our experienced legal team is on your side, so please don’t hesitate to contact us for a free consultation today.

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