
Have You Already Received a Car Accident Settlement Offer? You Should Still Speak to an Attorney

In many car accident cases, it’s clear whose fault the wreck was. In instances like these, insurance companies often make settlement offers as soon as they can, hoping to resolve claims quickly and cheaply. If you have received an offer for a car crash before you have had a chance to talk to an attorney, it’s highly advisable that you speak to an Atlanta car accident attorney before you accept it. Read on to learn why.

Initial Offers are Almost Always Low

Insurance companies are in the business of making a profit. They do this by bringing in more than they pay out, so they are financially incentivized to settle your case for as little as possible. The insurance company has nothing to lose by making you a lowball offer in hopes that you will just accept it and move one.

Determining the Value of a Car Accident Claim is a Complicated Process

As a car accident victim, it’s critical to know how much your case is worth; if you don’t, how will you know if a settlement offer is fair? While it may be simple to tally up the cost of your repair bills, medical expenses, and lost income, the same is not true for non-economic losses like pain and suffering or lost quality of life. In addition, if you will have ongoing losses, those should be included in your settlement offer as well. An attorney with experience representing car accident victims can analyze your case and arrive at an estimate of how much you should be able to recover for your accident-related losses.

You Only Get One Chance to Settle Your Case

Another reason that it’s so important to talk to a lawyer before you accept a settlement offer is that you only get one chance to settle your case. One you sign a settlement agreement, it’s very unlikely that you will be able to obtain more compensation related to your accident. As a result, if you accept a settlement offer that is too low, there is a good chance that you will be stuck with uncompensated damages related to your accident.

Working with an Attorney Evens the Playing Field

Insurance companies handle claims like yours every day. They know how to pressure victims to settle their cases for less than they are worth, and will not hesitate to resolve your claim for pennies on the dollar. When you retain a lawyer, however, it evens the playing field. Your lawyer can evaluate your losses and work to get you the compensation you deserve. If the insurance company refuses to make a fair offer, your lawyer can file a lawsuit and pursue your rightful compensation in court.

Call Us Today to Speak with an Atlanta Car Accident Lawyer

If you have suffered injuries in an accident that was someone else’s fault, you should talk to an attorney as soon as you can – regardless of whether you have received a settlement offer or not. To schedule your free case evaluation with a lawyer, call our office today at 888.474.9616 or send us an email through our online contact form.

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