Articles Posted in Semi-Truck Accidents

A semi truck on the highwayAt Slappey & Sadd, our Atlanta truck accident lawyers regularly work with people who have been hurt in commercial trucking accidents. Below, we’ve compiled answers to some of the questions we hear most frequently when victims first come to us for help. To find out whether you have a case, call us today for a free case evaluation.

How Common are Trucking Accidents?

Commercial trucking accidents injure innocent victims every day. In fact, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), there were 151,000 people injured in crashes involving large trucks in 2018 alone.

A white triple-trailer semi truckThe NHTSA recently reported that fatal truck accidents are on the rise, seeing an increase of nine percent. This statistic is alarming for a number of reasons beyond the fact that commercial vehicles pose a greater risk of injury due to their increased size and weight. What is most troubling is that in many of these cases, the company that operates the vehicle valued its bottom line over the safety of other motorists. In this post, we’re going to review some of the challenges that are unique to commercial vehicle accidents.

What Caused The Accident?

In a private vehicle accident, usually only the other driver is to blame. With commercial vehicle accidents, however, there are a number of unique factors that may have caused your accident.

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