What Makes Rear-End Accidents Unique?

A black van with read end damage

The car accident attorneys at Slappey & Sadd have been working with car accident victims in the Atlanta area and across the state of Georgia since 1992. We have the knowledge and experience to hold negligent drivers and their insurance companies accountable. If you’ve been in an accident and don’t know where to turn, call us at 888-474-9616 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation to discuss your case. 

Rear-End Accidents Involve Intense Forces

Most rear-end accidents involve one vehicle that is moving and one that is stopped or moving significantly slower. As a result, the forces involved can be tremendous, particularly if the vehicle is traveling at a high rate of speed. The larger the vehicle and the faster it is traveling, the greater the force exerted on the vehicle that is rear-ended. For this reason, rear-end accidents involving trucks can be especially dangerous. 

Unique Injuries

When rear-ended, the force of the collision pushes the occupants of the vehicle forward, away from the seat and toward the dashboard, the steering wheel, or the seats in front of you. You can also sustain injuries from the seatbelt when it locks down, although these are far less severe than the injuries that you would suffer if you weren’t wearing a seatbelt. 

As a result of the unique forces involved, rear-end accidents often result in serious neck and spine injuries such as the following:

  • Whiplash
  • Concussions or other traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal and neck injuries
  • Nerve damage
  • Internal organ damage
  • Facial fractures
  • Broken limbs

Whiplash is one of the most common injuries caused by rear-end collisions. This is caused by the head violently whipping back and forth due to sudden and extreme forces from the rear. It causes severe strain of the muscles and ligaments in the neck. Here are some of the symptoms you may be experiencing if you’ve suffered whiplash:

  • Neck pain 
  • Stiffness in the neck and upper back, loss of range of motion
  • Tingling, numbness in the arms and hands
  • Dizziness
  • Headaches and/or dizziness

You may not experience symptoms right away. However, if you are, it’s important to seek medical attention right away. While most whiplash injuries are treatable, some can result in permanent damage and long-term health issues if left untreated.  

Unique Liability Issues

If you’ve been rear-ended, it’s almost always the other driver’s fault. Generally speaking, rear-end accidents occur because drivers are negligent. Specifically, drivers rear-end other motorists usually because of one of the following reasons: 

  • Driving while distracted
  • Tailgating
  • Speeding
  • Failing to keep a proper lookout
  • Being inattentive

The police report can be particularly useful in proving negligence, as it will likely document the cause of the accident. The report can be especially helpful if it indicates that the other driver was ticketed for a traffic violation.  

The bottom line is that if you’ve been injured in a rear-end accident, the other driver is almost certainly at fault, and you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries and other losses. 

Contact the Atlanta Rear-End Accident Attorneys at Slappey & Sadd Today for a Free Case Evaluation

If you’ve been in a car accident, you may be entitled to compensation. The good news is that you don’t have to navigate this process alone – the car accident attorneys at Slappey & Sadd can help. Don’t let someone else’s negligence ruin your life – call us at 888-474-9616 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation today.

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