Articles Posted in Elevator Accidents

An escalatorIn our previous post, we reviewed the causes of elevator and escalator accidents and the common injuries that victims suffer. In this post, we’ll be discussing the long-term consequences of these accidents and some of the legal issues you may encounter.

Elevator and Escalator Accidents Can Disrupt Your Day-to-Day Life

In addition to the serious physical injuries listed in our previous post, elevator and escalator accidents can significantly disrupt your day-to-day life for weeks and even months. In some cases, you may be facing a long-term or even permanent disability.  As a result, there are several potential long-term consequences you need to consider:

Two elevator doors Elevators and escalators are everywhere, especially in major cities like Atlanta. Most of us have grown up never having lived without them, which is why we tend to overlook the fact that escalators and elevators can also be incredibly dangerous. They are incredibly sophisticated pieces of machinery that consist of numerous moving parts that can cause serious injuries when they malfunction. At least 17 people were injured in an escalator accident in Hong Kong in 2017. In October of this year, dozens were injured when an escalator collapsed in Rome. Closer to home, ten students were injured in an escalator accident at a Manhattan High School in September. If you’ve been injured while using an elevator or an escalator, this post identifies some of the things you may want to consider.

The Causes of Elevator and Escalator Accidents

There are many things that can cause elevators and escalators to be unsafe or malfunction. In some cases, there may be multiple factors that led to the accident. General mechanical failures are common, as elevators and escalators require a lot of maintenance and upkeep. For this reason, local ordinances and state laws require that they pass regular safety inspections. Failure to conduct routine inspections or perform necessary maintenance and repairs can result in accidents and serious injuries.

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