
Articles Posted in Atlanta Personal Injury Lawyers


Common Defenses in Car Accident Cases

Many of the clients we meet with are certain that the accident was the other driver’s fault. As a result, they are shocked when the other driver turns the blame on them or otherwise denies fault. First, it’s important to understand that the other driver has the legal right to…


Will a Car Accident Lawyer Take My Personal Injury Case?

Many people equate personal injury lawyers with car accident cases and aren’t sure who to contact if they are injured in another kind of accident. Some people, unfortunately, aren’t even sure if they have a legal claim against the party who injured them. As a result, there are many victims…


Roundup: Is it Safe?

Roundup is the most commonly used weed killer in the world. You can find it for sale just about anywhere, and it’s used by everyone from homeowners trying to manage the weeds in their gardens to farmers using it on their fields. Recent litigation across the country, however, has raised…


What are my Options if I’m Injured on Someone Else’s Property?

Property owners in Georgia are responsible for the care and upkeep of their properties. They also have a duty to warn of or correct dangerous conditions on their property. When they don’t do that and visitors to the property are injured, then the accident victim might be eligible to sue…


Taxicab Accidents: Who Could be Liable?

Accidents can occur in taxicabs just as in any other motor vehicle on the roadway. In some instances, these accidents occur because of the taxicab driver’s negligence, while at other times, another driver on the roadway causes or contributes to the accident. If you have suffered injuries in a motor…

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